blogs for brands that give a shit.

content that people actually want to read.

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so you’re a tech company with a game-changing product and big plans?

revolutionary. 🙄

in a saturated market, what will help you stand out?

long-form, high-volume, reader-focused content.

content produced by writers that aren’t afraid to push the boundaries.

that’s us. 🙋‍♀️

write my blogs.


what we do that everyone else does.

all the blogging basics that any Semrush account-holder with a basic knowledge of content marketing should be doing.

things like:

  • competitor and domain analysis

  • keyword research, grouping, and planning

  • well-researched, SEO-backed and results-driven writing

  • internal editing process

🙄 that’s the bog-standard blogging service. not worth shouting about. not what sets us apart.

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what we do that’s different.

we focus on differentiation and write shit that people actually want to read.

this means that every blog we write is:

👨‍🏫 actionable, evidence-based, and educational.

🙃 witty, edgy, and entertaining.

👊 purposeful, unique, and intent-focused.

we’re trying to raise the bar for brands who believe there’s no point in doing something unless you crush it.


what that looks like for you.

  • an ambitious, data-driven, let’s-fucking-do-it strategy

  • content planner and delivery schedule

  • optimized content that delivers results

  • agile content production based on your needs

  • scalable content that grows with you

  • project managers that want you to win

we’re pushing the envelope of what blogs can do for ambitious businesses. And it’s working.

prove it then.
