this is our process for writing content.

go ahead and steal it if your blogs suck!


step 1. we need to talk…

… about where you’re at and how we can help.

if you’ve already got the topics, we can plug and play. but if you need it all, we can do it all – strategy, ideation, and production.

💬 we’ll cover this in our initial discussion. but we’ll also be asking some big questions about your business.


  • what marketing strategies have worked (and failed) so far?

  • what does success look like for your business?

  • how can we help you look good for your boss?

  • which users bring the most ARR?

  • what offerings would you like to see growth in?

we reckon the secret to content isn’t a hacky tool or a clickbait title, it’s context.

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step 2: let’s lock it in.

once we’ve laid it all down in our initial discussion, we’ll come back with a proposal.

the proposal details depend on whether we’re digging into content strategy, or scaling what you’re already doing with blog production.

the proposal will include:

  • a summary of what we’ll provide

  • timelines from ‘brief creation’ to ‘ready to publish’

  • your monthly investment

you’ll say “looks good”, and we’ll get cracking.


step 3: we get super nerdy

first, you complete a quick onboarding doc.

we’ll have already started filling it in but your answers will give us clarity and settle any bets we made internally.

then we get ourselves up to speed by learning a bit about:

⚔️ your competitors

👨‍👩‍👧‍👦 your audience

📃 your current content situation and preferences

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step 4: brief creation or keyword research – it depends

if it’s ‘plug and play’, you’ll give us the first round of keywords. we’ll turn those into the best blog briefs you’ve ever seen and get straight to it.

but if we’re starting from scratch, we’ll dive into keyword research. that doesn’t mean we pull keywords out of our asses.

it means we prioritize search intent: what people ponder in search engines before they find out your product is the holy grail.

then we build a list of base keywords from:

  • context in our conversations and documentation

  • official descriptions of your product and industry

  • real customer insights from interviews and review sites like G2, Capterra, and SoftwareAdvice

  • your website (duh)

then we refine…


step 5: we organize the topics so we know where to start

we then manually assess each topic for relevance, volume, and rankability (technical term, we promise 😉), determine which ones make sense to attack first, and then get the old calendar out.

📆 your content plan will include clear dates and timelines for:

  • brief creation

  • brief approval

  • content writing

  • content approval

😱 owen wilson wow.


step 6: create outstanding blog briefs

we do this with AI, creativity, and an understanding of how the two work together.

we’ll crawl through and assess content that’s ranking for the desired keyword to reveal the points we must cover for your blog to be relevant.

then we add direction for depth, detail, and character to make your content valuable and unique.

this gives our writers everything they need to nail it.

you’ll sign them off before we get started, so we’re all on the same page.


step 7: write insanely good blogs

we have a strong team of writers and a robust internal process with several layers of strategy, reviews, and editing.

you’re gonna like the way you look, we guarantee it. 👔


sound like you?

let’s do it.